Island of Growth

Island Larisa Koshkina
Larisa Koshkina

Valleys and mountains

Fruitful orchards of growth

Reaching for understanding

A butterfly trying to begin


Islands of love and diversity

Rainbows of cultural awareness

Friends of many colors made

Searching for and finding true unity


The land of three different people

Each one a facet of the jewel of humanity

Gifts shared through their daily lives

Everyone admired and totally equal


© Carol Campbell 2016

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Imaginary Garden With Real Toads

The prompt for this Sunday Mini-Challenge is Islands. 

“For this Sunday Mini-Challenge, write about a situation or time or relationship or in your life as if it were an island encountered on the wide wild sea. Land us there, tell us what you found or learned there or what it looked like diminishing behind you as you moved on.

The only stylistic requirements I ask is that your poem is a new creation and that you include the word “island” in your title.”~Brenda For this Sunday Mini-Challenge, write about a situation or time or relationship or in your life as if it were an island encountered on the wide wild sea. Land us there, tell us what you found or learned there or what it looked like diminishing behind you as you moved on.

The only stylistic requirements I ask is that your poem is a new creation and that you include the word “island” in your title.”~Brendan McOdrum


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Published by: writersdream9

I have been writing all my life but for the most part, it has been a secret. My parents did not believe writing was a good way to earn money so I hid my poems. Then one day, I wanted to comment on an essay that a friend had written and found myself with a blog. That quiet whisper inside said, "You can write your poetry and no one will ever know.". I knew nothing of followers and the like at that time. So, here I am trying to learn my craft and enjoying every moment of it. My personal details are, I'm 57, married for 39 years, have one grown son who is God's gift to us and last but not least at all, I'm a Baha'i which basically means that I love all humanity.

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35 thoughts on “Island of Growth”

  1. In the pic, the island looks pretty bare with no trees or greenery, but your writing makes it sound like an ideal place to be!!:)



    Liked by 2 people

  2. this rocky, craggy coastline reminds me of something perhaps in the northwest. usa is a part of sacred mother earth just as we are all part of the same sea, as “waves upon the sea”

    Liked by 1 person

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