Rain’s Kiss

Sunday Photo Fiction
A Mixed Bag

“Bring the big blanket, please”, I called out to Gary in haste. Forgetfulness is a trait we share in our later years. We were going on a picnic for our 40th wedding anniversary. A recreation of our first date. The sky was clear and sunny on that beautiful day way back when. We headed out with picnic satchel in hand for the hills overlooking our small town. The breeze was so fresh and so was my young beau then and now. The parallels between then and today were wonderful. My heart was still filled with a sweet tenderness for this man.

Today, we laughed all the way up those softly rolling hills. Like the teenagers that we had been on that date. Spreading the blanket on the grass, he stopped my arm in mid-swing and told me of his love for me. At that moment, just like forty years prior, we felt the first drop of rain fall gently on our nest. We turned to one another and kissed just like the rain. Soft and tender.


© Carol Campbell

Sunday Photo Fiction
Sunday Photo Fiction



Published by: writersdream9

I have been writing all my life but for the most part, it has been a secret. My parents did not believe writing was a good way to earn money so I hid my poems. Then one day, I wanted to comment on an essay that a friend had written and found myself with a blog. That quiet whisper inside said, "You can write your poetry and no one will ever know.". I knew nothing of followers and the like at that time. So, here I am trying to learn my craft and enjoying every moment of it. My personal details are, I'm 57, married for 39 years, have one grown son who is God's gift to us and last but not least at all, I'm a Baha'i which basically means that I love all humanity.

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