Caspar David Friedrich

“Maybe if I stare hard enough and long enough, you will appear.”.I whispered to the golden dawn. Just as I had whispered to the peach sunset last night. I missed you so much that magic was even a possibility that I was exploring fervently at these turning points from day to night and night to day. It really had become a ritual of love. I got up in the darkness of the hours preceding the sun’s shift to my side of the world and dressed in my favorite gowns. In the evening, I put the silken robe that you presented to me on our 7th anniversary with the hopes that somehow the powerful worship of our love would summon you back to my arms.

You made it all legal four months ago and left me on my knees with grief as you strode out of our nest and took flight with your outstretched wings reaching that elusive treat of “something better”. Tell me, is she better?

© Carol Campbell

Words: Dawn, sunset, worship, magic, power and legal.

Published by: writersdream9

I have been writing all my life but for the most part, it has been a secret. My parents did not believe writing was a good way to earn money so I hid my poems. Then one day, I wanted to comment on an essay that a friend had written and found myself with a blog. That quiet whisper inside said, "You can write your poetry and no one will ever know.". I knew nothing of followers and the like at that time. So, here I am trying to learn my craft and enjoying every moment of it. My personal details are, I'm 57, married for 39 years, have one grown son who is God's gift to us and last but not least at all, I'm a Baha'i which basically means that I love all humanity.

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24 thoughts on “”

  1. Carol this is such a touching post, so in-depth as the reader reads deeper into each line.. I read it twice my friend, and marvel at your magic for weaving such feeling within such a few short words.. I applaud you Carol..

    Sending lots of Love dear friend, and lovely to see this wonderful post xxx Hugs and Love and well wishes sent your way my friend 🙂 Sue ❤

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