
Immerse Pauline Moir
Pauline Moir

The sea insistently calls out to me

Asking me to immerse my body to heal

Time to release my woes and be free

The rhythm of the waves invites me to feel


Asking me to immerse my body to heal

Winter’s day is cold and makes me shiver

The rhythm of the waves invites me to feel

My cold, wet body begins to subtly quiver


Winter’s day is cold and makes me shiver

Time to release my woes and be free

My cold, wet body begins to subtly quiver

The sea insistently calls out to me


© Carol Campbell 2016

Poets on the Page Badge

Here’s where you enter into this creative equation:

Review your past week and note any times you consciously chose a different than your norm choice.

Does anything come to mind?

If it doesn’t, you have a couple options to inspire your poetry writing.


Create a fictional “new choice” and write from that imagined experience OR go out into the world and consciously make a choice that is different from your norm.

If you have a recent experience to write from, enter into that recent memory with all your senses. Tease out details of what happened, how it was different, and what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, physically felt or touched and any emotional connections as well.

In whatever case works for you, use your senses to purposefully evoke memory. The sense of smell is especially good practice for poets as it ties in with the most primitive parts of our mind. What you write will be evocative and interesting and perhaps take you down a path you hadn’t thought of until you do this exercise.~Julie Jordan Scott


Poet’s note: Thsi does not reflect anything I’ve done in the past week. I did when I was younger. 😉

❤ ❤ ❤


Published by: writersdream9

I have been writing all my life but for the most part, it has been a secret. My parents did not believe writing was a good way to earn money so I hid my poems. Then one day, I wanted to comment on an essay that a friend had written and found myself with a blog. That quiet whisper inside said, "You can write your poetry and no one will ever know.". I knew nothing of followers and the like at that time. So, here I am trying to learn my craft and enjoying every moment of it. My personal details are, I'm 57, married for 39 years, have one grown son who is God's gift to us and last but not least at all, I'm a Baha'i which basically means that I love all humanity.

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10 thoughts on “Immerse~Pantoum”

      1. When I was in Scotland one winter, some of the group stripped down and ran into Loch Ness for a swim. It was in the teens that day. I watched from shore, dry and warm. When they left the water, they realized their error–no towels! Some of their clothes also got wet. I was the only one who didn’t catch a cold! So I hear you about not being brave. That day I was so glad common sense (and my dislike of being cold) override my exuberance!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I told my friend to disrobe or she might have ended up soaked through clothes and all. Some folks did as you did and jumped in fully clothed. I held my friends things and it’s good that I did! The tour guide splashed his way into the water (he had swimming trunks with a wild pattern on them I struggle to remember) and piles of clothes got wet but not friend’s because I stepped back out of the spray. Scotland was lovely though really cold since we visited on holiday break from college in February. I would like to go back and spend more then 3 hectic days there in warmer weather and this time, stay in a hotel! I stayed in a hostel that time and what an experience that was! We were on a bus tour for ultra cheap but we saw a lot, slept very little though.

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  1. I can never walk by the seashore during winter. I did a few times when I was young. it’s so forbidding, so cold, the air almost bitter, wanting to bite off my face. will the chunks of ice ever get unfrozen?

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