Raining Awards!

Liebster Award
Liebster Award

I am feeling grateful to our blogging buddy at: https://jeanixangel01.wordpress.com Thank you so very much!

The Rules:

  1. Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you and include the Liebster Award sticker in the post.
  2. Nominate 5-10 other bloggers and notify them of this in one of their posts.
  3. All nominated bloggers are to have less than 200 followers.
  4. Answer the 10 questions posed by your nominator and create 10 different questions for your nominees to answer. Or, you can repeat the same questions.
  5. Copy these rules into your post.

The Questions:

  1. Who is your favourite blogger? Why?
  2. Which do you prefer to read? Fiction or nonfiction?
  3. How long you been in writing?
  4. What influence you to do so (blogging/writing)?
  5. Water? Or Tea?
  6. Are you an introvert? Or an extrovert?
  7. If I am going to be an instant billionaire tomorrow, where in the Philippines you would like to go? Why? (Don’t worry about the expenses, I will shoulder all, first class, haha! )
  8. City lover? Or on Nature? Why?
  9. What is your unforgettable experience?
  10. I love this question which originally from MyMemoirs; what is your Myer Briggs Type Indicator? If you don’t know what that is, take the test here!

My Answers:

  1. I am a Libra and I hate favorite questions so I’m going to cheat and say all the bloggers that I follow are my favorites. 🙂
  2. I prefer non-fiction and of course poetry
  3. I’ve been writing since I was a teenager
  4. I was originally inspired to write after my father died when I was 12 years old. From childhood I was fascinated with word play. Asking many questions as to the meanings and word placement.
  5. Water
  6. I am both actually. Maybe I can say that I am an extrovert that needs alone time frequently to recharge.
  7. Malapascua because it’s small and rural.
  8. Nature all the way! I really dislike cities
  9. I have to say I have two. My visit to the Holy Land but I guess it has to be the birth of my son!
  10. I am the protagonist type. I gather that means i like to guide people and on the negative side I get too caught up through caring too much. Okay! It’s true!

My Nominees:

  1. https://siggiofmaine.wordpress.com/
  2. https://miskmask.wordpress.com/
  3. http://amanpan.com/
  4. https://tracesofthesoul.wordpress.com/
  5. https://nyonglema.wordpress.com/

There are so many. I did not follow the rule strictly about the number of followers because I don’t know how I would be able to find that out in every case. Sorry.

My Questions for Nominees:

  1. How much have you traveled and where?
  2. When is your reading time?
  3. Do you like the outdoors or are you an indoors kind of person?
  4. Do you have any pets?
  5. Your favorite book?
  6. Your favorite quote?
  7. If, God forbid, you only had one week to live, how would you spend your time?
  8. What is your favorite season?
  9. Were you a good student?
  10. How did you name your blog and why?

Thank you again!

❤ ❤ ❤

Published by: writersdream9

I have been writing all my life but for the most part, it has been a secret. My parents did not believe writing was a good way to earn money so I hid my poems. Then one day, I wanted to comment on an essay that a friend had written and found myself with a blog. That quiet whisper inside said, "You can write your poetry and no one will ever know.". I knew nothing of followers and the like at that time. So, here I am trying to learn my craft and enjoying every moment of it. My personal details are, I'm 57, married for 39 years, have one grown son who is God's gift to us and last but not least at all, I'm a Baha'i which basically means that I love all humanity.

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